“The classes were incredibly informative, they class helped us to understand what happens during labour and how to facilitate the bodies natural processes, rather than hinder them. In all they left us feeling confident about what lay ahead. The information for my partner was particularly handy, it clarified his role and how he could be helpful as I laboured away.” In total I was only labouring at the hospital for about 4 hours. My first birth experience was great and I'm amazed I was able to do something so incredible. “I used the breathing, meditations, was active in labour and used some essential oils.”  Sarah, Luke and Niamh



“Calm birth not only benefited me but it was also aimed at my support partner to give him the knowledge to be there to encourage, support and give me the strength to get me through it ensuring I was feeling loved and safe.” Jess, Jason and Lara


“After the prostin gel,  I listened to all 4 calm birth tracks while dozing between tightenings. I had a fully natural birth, with no drugs and I owe it to the information and calm birth techniques I learnt in your class.”  Jodie,Trent and Jake


“In total I was only labouring at the hospital for about 4 hours. My first birth experience was great and I'm amazed I was able to do something so incredible.” Gin, Pat and Logan


"Kath's Calmbirth gave us the tools to achieve a drug free, natural labour" Nicola Andrew and Jack